Welcome to NorthPoint Paddles!

Welcome to NorthPoint Paddles!
- Putting the Beauty of Wood in the Hands of Kayakers -

NorthPoint Paddles is a family-run business in the Pacific Northwest with a passion for kayakers everywhere to experience the special benefits of paddling with a Greenland-style paddle. The blade design allows for less stress on your shoulders & elbows without sacrificing speed. Everyone, beginners & experts alike, appreciates being able to paddle longer with less fatigue. We believe whether you are paddling out on a lake, going down an easy flowing river or creek, heading out on a sea kayaking adventure or trying out your kayak roll, you will appreciate paddling with a Greenland paddle. Check out Our Paddles!


It Is With Deep Sorrow...

Beth's Journey Logo

that we share the sad news...Brita's mom, Beth, has passed away. Her journey here on earth has come to an end, and she is now at peace in Heaven - no more pain, no more suffering. 

She fought the good fight and leaves behind a legacy for those who knew and loved her ~

A legacy of...

  • love for ALL of her family
  • love for life - she had such an adventuresome spirit!
  • love for dear friends
  • love for acquaintances and strangers
  • strength and courage through the years of battling cancer and other health issues
  • and a strong faith that saw her through to the end.

She is forever in our hearts and is deeply missed. We loved her so VERY MUCH!

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, and the support you have shown us through these difficult times. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Celebrating Beth's Life

Brita, Randy, and her loving husband, NormBeth Holding Kinloch Model


Happy Mother's Day!

Wishing You All A Very Special Mother's Day

from All of Us here at NorthPoint Paddles!!!

 - and -

Mother's Day Wishes for Beth

It has been a rocky road for Brita's mom, Beth, as she battles her cancer. The latest chemo has been hard on her, but her determination to not give up has paid off. Tests have shown that the tumors in her liver are gone!!! And that is amazing!!! She will start radiation soon and then back to the chemo again. We appreciate your continued patience and support.
A BIG Thank You to You All!!! 


We Are Thankful!

This is a special weekend for our family – for a couple different reasons…and we just want to share.

As we have explained in our previous posts about Brita’s mom, Beth, it has been a rough road for her as she battles cancer and heart issues. The last year and a half haven’t been easy for her. This last summer she had to switch to a different chemo treatment because the one she had been on for 3 ½ years had stopped working and the cancer was starting to spread again.

So, at the time of this writing, she has been on the new chemo treatment for about 5 months. What a brutal rollercoaster ride it has been for her to adjust to the new treatment! She has been in the hospital a couple times, has needed more blood transfusions, hasn’t been able to always get her treatment because blood work revealed that certain levels were too low, and then there is the just-plain-feeling-sick days. It has been tough, but her fighting spirit has paid off.

Beth on a Picnic
We got the news this last week that her new treatment is working…tests have revealed that her tumor markers have dropped by over half! And, that, is awesome news and we are definitely celebrating!

This weekend, too, we are celebrating Beth’s birthday. Given all that has occurred and the fact that she is still with us, this is indeed a special weekend! One for which we are very thankful!

Norm, Logan, Beth, Brita

As Beth would say, “Family is Forever!” – and her love for her family is uppermost in her heart - today and always, for both near and far.

Thank you for the many thoughts and prayers that have gone out for her. We just wanted to share the good news with you!

Take care and Keep on Paddling!

Randy and Brita Isselin
NorthPoint Paddles


NorthPoint Paddles Is Back to Making Paddles Again!

Hi Everyone!

Brita, here. We are back in production, but not full steam ahead yet. We are fitting in making our paddles, while still caring for my mom. So, we apologize ahead of time for any unforeseen delays in responding to emails, as well as in filling orders. We will do our best to take care of things in a timely manner, but appreciate your continued patience and understanding during this new chapter of our life.

The new chapter?

Well, just when we hoped my mom, Beth, might turn a corner for the better, we got word just this week that her current chemo treatment has stopped working and her cancer has spread once again. So, now they are switching (immediately) to a new chemo infusion treatment, as well as radiation treatments to some areas on her bones.

Despite all of this, she is still being a trooper and is determined to keep fighting. She is thankful for everyone's thoughts, prayers, and well wishes.

Beth - Spring in the Pacific NW/NorthPoint Paddles

With all that has happened in our NorthPoint Paddles family during the last year, the closeness of family and loved ones has become even more important than before. So, we want to take a moment and express our heartfelt wishes...

...to Dads everywhere...


...to Moms, too (just a little late :D)...


and on a special note...


Keep on Paddling!



What is Happening Now at NorthPoint Paddles

Hello, Everyone!

We want to keep you informed as to what is going on with us, here at NorthPoint Paddles. You all have been so gracious and understanding as we have gone through these difficult months and we thank you for all of your encouraging words and support.

Here we are in the middle of November and Brita’s mom, Beth, is still struggling with health issues. Her long-awaited heart valve replacement finally took place a few weeks ago and the surgery itself went well, but, unfortunately, she has had multiple complications afterward, including a mini-stroke last week that, thankfully, didn’t last long and did not leave any ill effects. She is such a trooper and such a strong lady. She taught us kids to survive and that is what she is doing now…surviving. Next, in the weeks to come, she is going to need a stent put in the main artery of her heart that is 80% blocked – which we were not expecting. Currently, she is regaining her strength and recovering from the latest ordeals. Your continued thoughts and prayers are appreciated.

In light of what is ahead for Beth in these next couple of months, we have made the decision to wait until after January 1st, 2023 to resume our paddle production.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding – it means so much.

Take care,

Randy and Brita Isselin

NorthPoint Paddles

Here’s another one of our favorite pictures of Beth – taken a few years ago at a local pumpkin farm...

Brita's mom, Beth, at the Pumpkin Patch